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City Clerk

Agendas and Videos


4-10-2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting

Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 239-574-0411 if you need any copies of audio or video recordings.

Agenda Mobile View - To view agendas on phones and tablets. 

A red video icon on the agenda link indicates the video is available for that meeting. If the icon is displayed on the far left, then the meeting is live streaming. 

City Council meetings, when videoed, are posted on the Agenda and Videos page within 24 hours of the end of the meeting unless unexpected technical difficulties occur.   

Please note:  To share visual information (spreadsheet, slides, pictures, etc.) with the City Council at a public meeting,  bring nine copies (one for each Council member and one for the Clerk's office). Any documents received by the Clerk's office will be made part of the record.  You also have the ability to send emails to their Council members and attach files or provide an E-comment as described below.  View the 9/13/23 Committee of the Whole Meeting, when the City Council clarified this rule. Any questions regarding this change may be directed to City Clerk Bruns at 239-574-0417.

E-comments Constant Contact V.1 7.20.2022 

E-comment on Agendas

E-comments on Agendas are offered as an option to members of the public who are not able to appear in person for citizens' input.  The Clerk's goal is to distribute to the Council or appropriate board when received at least four (4) business hours before the meeting start time.  

Example:  If the meeting is at 4:30 p.m., comments received before 12:30 p.m. will be forwarded to Council.

2nd Example:  If the meeting is at 9:00 a.m., comments received before 2:00 p.m. the business day before will be forwarded to the Council.  Please reach out to the City Clerk if you have any questions. (1-239-574-0417)


Limited Number of Meeting Videos, Agendas, and Minutes on Website

There are currently a limited number of meeting videos, agendas, and minutes available on the City’s website. They have been temporarily removed for redactions required by Section 119.0725 of the Florida State Statutes.  Staff is working through the required redactions and will be republishing the items as soon as practicable.

Records, on, before and after 7/1/2022 may be exempt from public record. A redacted copy may be requested through a Records Request.

Audio for various meetings is available by Public Records Request.